Upgrade (Work in Progress)

Auto Reconnect

Please note:

Stomp.client, Stomp.overTCP, or, Stomp.overWS

Just add client.reconnect_delay = 5000;. The delay is in milli seconds. A value of 0 indicates auto reconnect is disabled.

    var url = "ws://localhost:61614/stomp";
    var client = Stomp.client(url);

    // Add the following if you need automatic reconnect (delay is in milli seconds)
    client.reconnect_delay = 5000;

See also:


If you were using Stomp.over like:

    <script src="http://cdn.sockjs.org/sockjs-0.3.min.js"></script>
        // use SockJS implementation instead of the browser's native implementation
        var ws = new SockJS(url);
        var client = Stomp.over(ws);
        // ...

Change it to:

    <script src="http://cdn.sockjs.org/sockjs-0.3.min.js"></script>
        // use SockJS implementation instead of the browser's native implementation
        var client = Stomp.over(function(){
                                   return new SockJS(url);

        // Add the following if you need automatic reconnect (delay is in milli seconds)
        client.reconnect_delay = 5000;
        // ...

See also:


NodeJS now supports same semantics as the browser, so you might need to make changes if you were using NodeJS specific syntax.

Stomp.overWS -> Stomp.client

Just change the method name:

    var client = Stomp.overWS("ws://localhost:61614/stomp");


    var client = Stomp.client("ws://localhost:61614/stomp");

Stomp.overTCP -> Stomp.client

The older code to handle STOMP over TCP was not properly maintained. So, this library drops support for using STOMP over raw TCP. If you need that functionality you may need to use the original version of this library from: https://github.com/jmesnil/stomp-websocket

To upgrade:

    var client = Stomp.overTCP("localhost", 61613);


    var client = Stomp.client("ws://localhost:61614/stomp");

Do test your application.

See also:

SockJS -> WebSocket

Summary of steps:

    var client = Stomp.client("ws://localhost:61614/stomp");

See also:

    Quickly fuzzy find classes, mixins, methods, file:

    Control the navigation frame:

    You can focus and blur the search input: