In the Web browser with a custom WebSocket

Almost all brokers that support SockJS also support WebSockets. If your application does not need to support old browsers, switch to using WebSockets. Check for compatibility information.

Web browsers supports different versions of the WebSocket protocol. Some older browsers does not provide the WebSocket JavaScript or expose it under another name. By default, stomp.js will use the Web browser native WebSocket class to create the WebSocket.

However it is possible to use other type of WebSockets by using the Stomp.over(ws) method. This method expects an object that conforms to the WebSocket definition.

For example, it is possible to use the implementation provided by the SockJS project which falls back to a variety of browser-specific transport protocols instead:

    // use SockJS implementation instead of the browser's native implementation
    var client = Stomp.over(function(){
        return new SockJS(url);

Use Stomp.client(url) to use regular WebSockets or use Stomp.over(ws_fn) if you required another type of WebSocket.

Apart from this initialization, the STOMP API remains the same in both cases.

Limitations of SockJS

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