Using STOMP with SockJS

3 minute read

There are a large number of obsolete (and copied from one another) examples for these libraries that use SockJS. In reality, there is very little chance that you need SockJS. Unless you know, for sure, you do not need SockJS.

This guide covers how to use SockJS client instead of WebSockets as underlying transport.

For Spring STOMP users: There are few tutorials/guides that implicitly suggest that you need SockJS to use STOMP. That is incorrect, you only need SockJS if you need to support old browsers.

Do you need SockJS?

As of 2018, WebSocket support in browsers is ubiquitous. Please check Depending on your user base, you can skip this page.

You can use SockJS client to support browsers that do not support WebSockets natively.

You would need to consider the following:

  • URL protocol conventions are different for WebSockets (ws:/wss:) and SockJS (http: or https:).
  • Internal handshake sequences are different — so, some brokers will use different end points for both protocols.
  • Neither of these allows custom headers to be set during the HTTP handshake.
  • SockJS internally supports different transport mechanisms. You might face specific limitations depending on actual transport in use.
  • Auto reconnect is not quite reliable with SockJS.
  • Heartbeats may not be supported over SockJS by some brokers.
  • SockJS does not allow more than one simultaneous connection to the same broker. This usually is not a problem for most of the applications.

It is advised to use WebSockets by default and then fall back to SockJS if the browser does not support.

Basic installation

In Node.js environments

Please install the latestSockJS client:

$ npm install sockjs-client --save

Import SockJS class

Depending on your programming language/environment, you may have to import or require it:

import * as SockJS from 'sockjs-client';

In the browser

Add the following to include directly in the browser:

<script src=""></script>

Implement a webSocketFactory

Create a function that returns an object similar to WebSocket (typically SockJS instance).

export function mySocketFactory() {
  return new SockJS('');

This function should return a WebSocket compatible object.

Note: this function may be invoked multiple times. Each time a broker (re)connects, it needs a new instance of WebSocket/SockJS.


You should set webSocketFactory instead of brokerURL in your configuration.

You can even check if WebSocket is available and accordingly use SockJS as a fallback. See the example below.

Note: if you set both webSocketFactory takes precedence.

Example with stompjs

const client = new StompJs.Client({
  brokerURL: 'ws://localhost:15674/ws',
  connectHeaders: {
    login: 'user',
    passcode: 'password',
  debug: function (str) {
  reconnectDelay: 5000,
  heartbeatIncoming: 4000,
  heartbeatOutgoing: 4000,

// Fallback code
if (typeof WebSocket !== 'function') {
  // For SockJS you need to set a factory that creates a new SockJS instance
  // to be used for each (re)connect
  client.webSocketFactory = function () {
    // Note that the URL is different from the WebSocket URL
    return new SockJS('http://localhost:15674/stomp');

client.onConnect = function (frame) {
  // Do something, all subscribes must be done is this callback
  // This is needed because this will be executed after a (re)connect

client.onStompError = function (frame) {
  // Will be invoked in case of error encountered at Broker
  // Bad login/passcode typically will cause an error
  // Complaint brokers will set `message` header with a brief message. Body may contain details.
  // Compliant brokers will terminate the connection after any error
  console.log('Broker reported error: ' + frame.headers['message']);
  console.log('Additional details: ' + frame.body);


Compare the above against the sample in using StompJS, only addition is the fallback code trying to use SockJS if WebSocket is unavailable. You will need to include latest SockJS client in your web page.

SockJS in Angular6

See: ng2-stompjs/issues/70.

When you are using SockJS in an Angular6 project you might get “global is not defined”.

The underlying issue can only be fixed by SockJS or Angular teams. Try any of the following workarounds (from ng2-stompjs/issues/70):

  • In your index.html file, in the header add the following:
<script type="application/javascript">
  var global = window;
  • Add following to your polyfill.ts:
(window as any).global = window;
