


STOMP Class, acts like a factory to create Client.

Part of @stomp/stompjs.


It will be removed in next major version. Please switch to Client.




Static WebSocketClass
Type : any
Default value : null

In case you need to use a non standard class for WebSocket.

For example when using within NodeJS environment:

       StompJs = require('../../esm5/');
       Stomp = StompJs.Stomp;
       Stomp.WebSocketClass = require('websocket').w3cwebsocket;


It will be removed in next major version. Please switch to Client using Client#webSocketFactory.


Static client
client(url: string, protocols?: string[])

This method creates a WebSocket client that is connected to the STOMP server located at the url.

       var url = "ws://localhost:61614/stomp";
       var client = Stomp.client(url);


It will be removed in next major version. Please switch to Client using Client#brokerURL.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
url string No
protocols string[] Yes
Returns : CompatClient
Static over
over(ws: any)

This method is an alternative to Stomp#client to let the user specify the WebSocket to use (either a standard HTML5 WebSocket or a similar object).

In order to support reconnection, the function Client._connect should be callable more than once. While reconnecting a new instance of underlying transport (TCP Socket, WebSocket or SockJS) will be needed. So, this function alternatively allows passing a function that should return a new instance of the underlying socket.

       var client = Stomp.over(function(){
         return new WebSocket('ws://localhost:15674/ws')


It will be removed in next major version. Please switch to Client using Client#webSocketFactory.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
ws any No
Returns : CompatClient
import { Versions } from '../versions.js';
import { CompatClient } from './compat-client.js';
import { IStompSocket } from '../types.js';

 * @internal
declare const WebSocket: {
  prototype: IStompSocket;
  new (url: string, protocols?: string | string[]): IStompSocket;

 * STOMP Class, acts like a factory to create {@link Client}.
 * Part of `@stomp/stompjs`.
 * **Deprecated**
 * It will be removed in next major version. Please switch to {@link Client}.
export class Stomp {
   * In case you need to use a non standard class for WebSocket.
   * For example when using within NodeJS environment:
   * ```javascript
   *        StompJs = require('../../esm5/');
   *        Stomp = StompJs.Stomp;
   *        Stomp.WebSocketClass = require('websocket').w3cwebsocket;
   * ```
   * **Deprecated**
   * It will be removed in next major version. Please switch to {@link Client}
   * using [Client#webSocketFactory]{@link Client#webSocketFactory}.
  // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
  public static WebSocketClass: any = null;

   * This method creates a WebSocket client that is connected to
   * the STOMP server located at the url.
   * ```javascript
   *        var url = "ws://localhost:61614/stomp";
   *        var client = Stomp.client(url);
   * ```
   * **Deprecated**
   * It will be removed in next major version. Please switch to {@link Client}
   * using [Client#brokerURL]{@link Client#brokerURL}.
  public static client(url: string, protocols?: string[]): CompatClient {
    // This is a hack to allow another implementation than the standard
    // HTML5 WebSocket class.
    // It is possible to use another class by calling
    //     Stomp.WebSocketClass = MozWebSocket
    // *prior* to call `Stomp.client()`.
    // This hack is deprecated and `Stomp.over()` method should be used
    // instead.

    // See remarks on the function Stomp.over
    if (protocols == null) {
      protocols = Versions.default.protocolVersions();
    const wsFn = () => {
      const klass = Stomp.WebSocketClass || WebSocket;
      return new klass(url, protocols);

    return new CompatClient(wsFn);

   * This method is an alternative to [Stomp#client]{@link Stomp#client} to let the user
   * specify the WebSocket to use (either a standard HTML5 WebSocket or
   * a similar object).
   * In order to support reconnection, the function Client._connect should be callable more than once.
   * While reconnecting
   * a new instance of underlying transport (TCP Socket, WebSocket or SockJS) will be needed. So, this function
   * alternatively allows passing a function that should return a new instance of the underlying socket.
   * ```javascript
   *        var client = Stomp.over(function(){
   *          return new WebSocket('ws://localhost:15674/ws')
   *        });
   * ```
   * **Deprecated**
   * It will be removed in next major version. Please switch to {@link Client}
   * using [Client#webSocketFactory]{@link Client#webSocketFactory}.
  public static over(ws: any): CompatClient {
    let wsFn: () => any;

    if (typeof ws === 'function') {
      wsFn = ws;
    } else {
        'Stomp.over did not receive a factory, auto reconnect will not work. ' +
          'Please see'
      wsFn = () => ws;

    return new CompatClient(wsFn);

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