Broker Requirements

Information on this page is outdated, please refer to your broker documentation for up to date information.

This library is not a pure STOMP client. It is aimed to run on the WebSockets protocol which is not TCP. Basically, the WebSocket protocol requires a handshake between the browser's client and the server to ensure the browser's "same-origin" security model remains in effect.

This means that this library can not connect to regular STOMP brokers since they would not understand the handshake initiated by the WebSocket which is not part of the STOMP protocol and would likely reject the connection.

There are ongoing works to add WebSocket support to STOMP broker so that they will accept STOMP connections over the WebSocket protocol.


HornetQ is the Open Source messaging system developed by Red Hat and JBoss.

To start HornetQ with support for STOMP Over WebSocket, download the latest version and run the following steps:

  $ cd hornetq-x.y.z/examples/jms/stomp-websockets
  $ mvn clean install
  INFO: HQ221020: Started Netty Acceptor version 3.6.2.Final-c0d783c localhost:61614 for STOMP_WS protocol
  Apr 15, 2013 1:15:33 PM org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl$SharedStoreLiveActivation run
  INFO: HQ221007: Server is now live
  Apr 15, 2013 1:15:33 PM org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl start
  INFO: HQ221001: HornetQ Server version 2.3.0.CR2 (black'n'yellow2, 123) [c9e29e45-a5bd-11e2-976a-b3fef7ceb5df]

HornetQ is now started and listens to STOMP over WebSocket on the port 61614.
It accepts WebSocket connections from the URL ws://localhost:61614/stomp

To configure and run HornetQ with STOMP Over WebSocket enabled, follow the instructions.


ActiveMQ is the Open Source messaging system developed by Apache. Starting with 5.4 snapshots, ActiveMQ supports STOMP Over WebSocket.

To configure and run ActiveMQ with STOMP Over WebSocket enabled, follow the instructions.

ActiveMQ Apollo

ActiveMQ Apollo is the next generation of ActiveMQ broker. From the start, Apollo supports STOMP Over WebSocket.

To configure and run Apollo with STOMP Over WebSocket enabled, follow the instructions.


RabbitMQ is Open Source messaging system sponsored by Pivotal.

To configure and run RabbitMQ with STOMP Over WebSocket enabled, follow the instructions to install the Web-Stomp plugin.

Stilts & Torquebox

Stilts is a STOMP-native messaging framework which aims to address treating STOMP as primary contract for messaging, and integrating around it, instead of simply applying STOMP shims to existing services.

TorqueBox uses the Stilts project to provide its WebSockets and STOMP stack.

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